Joke of the Day

"I don't see the point of strip clubs. All they do is frustrate you and take all your money. I have a wife for that."

Next Joke
"You can tell A LOT about a Woman's mood just by looking at her hands... ...for example...If she's holding a gun? She's probably pissed."
"What's the worst part about dating a Japanese girl? When you break up with her, you have to drop the bomb twice before she gets it."
"What do you call a number that cant keep still? A roamin numeral."
"Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve."
"What happens when your favorite team wins the World Cup? You turn off your playstation."
"What do Paul Walker and Pink Flyod have in common? Their last hit was the wall"
"Left the waitress a tip of $4.04. Now I'm concerned she won't be able to find it."
"I poured my root beer into a square cup Now I've just got beer."
"If George W. Bush was the president of France today, he would declare war on Finland."