Joke of the Day

"What kind of condoms do frogs wear? Rib-bed"

Next Joke
"Doctor Doctor I feel like a racehorse. Take one of these every 4 laps!"
"I hope I never have more than one kid because the urge to superglue two children together is a crippling desire I struggle against everyday."
"Once I came across a bridge that was half concrete and half covered in asphalt It was a real hybridge."
"What is the difference between a dentist and a New York baseball fan? One yanks for the roots, the other roots for the Yanks."
"What does the cannibal do after he dumps his girlfriend? He wipes."
"I, for one, like Roman Numerals"
"Russian history in five words ...and then it got worse"
"What do you call a Chinese man allergic to dogs? Starving."
"Good cop: We got you red-handed! Weatherman cop: Well there's a 70% chance of guilt but I'd go ahead and make weekend plans"