Joke of the Day

"My sex party was a big disappointment... Nobody came."

Next Joke
"Q. What do accountants use for birth-control? A. Their personalities."
"How do you put spaghetti to sleep? You cover it in peanut butter until it dies. My 4 year old made that up, along with a few others. Not sure how I feel about this."
"Why is it bad to mix Islam and Hinduism? Because you might get Sikh"
"Have you ever been camping with a guy who has uncontrollable diarrhea? Shit's intense."
"Where do 4 gay guys go? One Direction"
"locked my keys in my car outside of an abortion clinic the other day. It turns out they get really pissed when you go in and ask them for a coat hanger"
"All the single ladies (All the single ladies) All the single ladies (All the single ladies) Have cats."
"And the lord said take this all of you and eat it, this is my body which will be given up for you"" and Gordon Ramsay replied ""bland, dry, and tasteless."""
"While you're thinking what to wear, I'm thinking how to take it off."