Joke of the Day

"How do you know when there's a rabbit in your bed? You can smell the carrots on his breath."

Next Joke
"Who's the laziest doctor at the hospital? ''Doctor Dolittle.'' EDIT: The doctor off that movie that talks to the animals."
"I don't hate anyone. I just don't like people."
"What do you get when you eat all the potatoes? [They're all gone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzwDgz053PI)"
"You have orgasms all the time. Even if you don't have sex, I know you masturbate. You're a liar if you say you don't. Sexy"
"Today somebody told me about a bear that climbs a mountain... ...But the story goes downhill from there."
"So hypothetically speaking, what do you think is the scariest mask they would let me wear in line at the bank?"
"I live in Zimbabwe. My favorite rapper is 50 cent. Or as we like to call him, 400 million dollars."
"Why does it take more than a million sperms to fertilize one egg? 1) Female Ego... Rejection without Reason! 2) Male Ego... Won't Ask For Directions!"
"Deli meats I knew a guy who was addicted to deli meats. He just couldn't quit cold turkey."