Joke of the Day

"How to win the war on drugs... .1) Legalize all drugs. .2) Require that all drugs must be purchased through Comcast customer service."

Next Joke
"Ban pre-shredded cheese Make America grate again!"
"Why did the virus get a ticket? Because he was driving under the influenza......"
"[in bed] Me: got a costume from the Princess Leia slave scene Him: omg yes Me: *disappears to change* *comes back dressed as Jabba the Hutt*"
"Gays in church"
"What do you call a lousy psychic? Telepathetic."
"What do you call a shark with no friends? A lone shark"
"I've been hit by a car before, you don't want to go down that road."
"What's green and smells like pork? Kermit's finger."
"What has four hairy legs and fucks my sister? Me and my dad."