Joke of the Day

"I picked up a tub of ice cream and a tub of light ice cream They weighed the same."

Next Joke
"What did the german child get for Christmas A mini bake oven"
"Mall walkers: never has anyone taken so seriously something that's so seriously ridiculous."
"Question: Why do men always give their penis a name? Answer: Because they don't want a stranger making 95 percent of their decisions for them."
"What do you call an insignificant underage coal digger? A minor minor miner"
"What do you get when you put 50 lawyers in a room with 50 lesbians? 100 people who don't do dick."
"What did the scat fetishist say to his wife before divorcing her? I've had enough of your shit."
"I got fired today, because during my lunch break, I went to the men's room and blew chunks. Chunks is our forklift driver, I should admit."
"Bowling is the perfect activity when I'm in the mood to stick my fingers in disease-ridden holes, but your mom is unavailable."
"I know how to get on a flight. Thank you boarding school."