Joke of the Day

"Whos the funniest disney princess? raPUNzel *sits there laughing to self* ...so lonely.."

Next Joke
"I made my money the old-fashioned way... I used a printing press"
"A termite walks into a bar... ... and says, ""Hey, is the bar tender here?"""
"A man walks into a bar and says, ""David Foster Wallace was not the greatest writer to ever live."" ."
"I changed my night club's name to Erectile Dysfunction for one night Nobody came... If ya know what I mean (God, please don't punish me for saying this)"
"When I was a kid my younger cousin always cheated at freeze tag, So I wasn't surprised when I heard he got shot by the cops"
"Farmers are always so proud of themselves until you ask if they can put the milk back in the cow"
"Our carbon monoxide detector keeps beeping and waking me up from my nap."
"Round the Mountain by Sheelagh B. Cummin"
"Which U.S. state abbreviation is the best? I'm not sure, but Oklahoma's is OK."