Joke of the Day

"What does a hiker love to listen to? A trail mix!"

Next Joke
"Stephen Hawking walks into a bar... Bartender: ""Why the long face ?"""
"You hear the one about the gay judges? Yeah, they tried each other."
"You ask me if I'm drunk? Well just spent 10 minutes looking for my phone using the flash light app on my phone."
"BUSINESS IDEA: CinnaBon-Iver. Delicious pastries filled with scarf scraps and broken pieces of wind chimes."
"What's the difference between a Pakistani school and a Pakistani outpost? I don't know, I just fly the drone... *(Please don't hate me)*"
"Statistical inference joke - why are two medians in a single data set funny? Because it's a co-median ^_^"
"How come you catch more flies with honey... ... but you don't catch more honies with fly?"
"Did you know Eazy E has a brother. His name is Hard D."
"What do you call 2000 mockingbirds? Two kilomockingbirds (credit goes to my old physics book)"