Joke of the Day

"Why is Santa Clause always so Jolly? Because he knows where all the naughty girls live."

Next Joke
"What do you get when you breed a Shih Tzu with a Poodle? A shit poo"
"What do you call a dangerous fish who drinks too much ? A beer-a-cuda !"
"What do Bernie Sanders and Santa Claus have in common? (Dark) They both have difficulties regarding chimneys!"
"""Nah, you can push the gas. We got seatbelts."" - Paul Walker's last words"
"What ""YSK"" means? Everyone keeps telling me that I should know..."
"Here is a horrible insult. You look good."
"I got a job at an orange juice factory I couldn't concentrate so I was canned"
"I find hanging around in coffee shops A great way to espresso yourself"
"It's sad that my girlfriend's name is Palmela Handerson"