Joke of the Day
"I don't hate anyone. I just don't like people."
Next Joke
"I was born with an extra toe halfway down my leg. It's neato."
"What do Muslims eat for Thanksgiving? Quran-berries!"
"Why are gay men so mean? Nsfw Because they're all fucking assholes."
"Pandas, skunks and zebras are the oldest species on Earth, dating back to long before colour was invented."
"I recently took up meditation..... It beats sitting around doing nothing"
"[image] ULTRA FUNNY MEME If assholes... If assholes could fly,this place would be an damn airport :D."
"""Time is an arbitrary concept"" is apparently a bad way to explain to your boss why you missed the project deadline"
"When your parents held you as a baby for the first time, they secretly hoped you'd end up arguing with strangers on a celebrity's Instagram."
"The difference between Jazz Hands and Blues Hands... The number of fingers and where you tell people to put them."