Joke of the Day

"Why have they created sweet tampons? for sour puss(ys)"

Next Joke
"What do you call twin brothers? A sunset!"
"How many french men does it take to conquer Paris? No one knows, it's never been done."
"What do midgets and dwarfs have in common? Just a little"
"A dyslexic man walks into a bra. ....."
"Why did the Dad divorce his wife after she named their son? She named him Oedipus."
"What's the difference between a corvette and a blowjob? Your mom didn't give me a corvette"
"Check this one out: **1**"
"Where do bees go to the bathroom at? at the [BP Station](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b8/Bp_station_zanesville_ohio.jpg) *Sorry, I know...its a Dad joke.*"
"The best part about being thirty is that I'm finally old enough to play a high schooler in movies."