Joke of the Day

"[NSFW] What do the Zika Virus and Catholic Priests have in common? They're both giving kids a little head all over Latin America."

Next Joke
"Why does Bernie Sanders hate icebergs? Because only the top 1% can stay above water."
"They take away old people's drivers licenses, but old people wreak much more death & destruction with their email forwards."
"[party in 1939] teen: truth or dare hitler: dare teen: dare you to invade poland hitler: omg no way u guys all the teens: DO IT DO IT"
"What's a rabbits' favorite book? Hop on Pop."
"What is Moby Dicks dad's name? Poppa Boner"
"I got a new fishing boat. I call it the master baiter."
"What do rappers use to write their lyrics? Word,yo."
"The way I deal with my drinking problems is every time I want a drink I go to the gym. They have a bar there."
"Why was the little boy unhappy? Because he had a frog stapled to his face"