Joke of the Day

"Who's the laziest doctor at the hospital? ''Doctor Dolittle.'' EDIT: The doctor off that movie that talks to the animals."

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"What did Sean Connery say when his books fell on his head? I blame my shelf"
"What is a dog's favourite Easter treat? Jelly bones!"
"A ninja turdle is when you poop really fast."
"are oranges named orange because they're orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange shit idk"
"What is the difference between a feminist and a walrus? A walrus has at least two valid points."
"Seriously. Once you learn how it reaches your dinner plate, you'll never want to eat human flesh again."
"If you love Batman, let him go, because Batman Returns."
"I saw a veteran begging in the street which made me very upset But then I remembered I wasn't required to give the military quarters."
"Telling someone w/ depression things like 'Cheer up','Get over it','It's a state of mind', is like telling a blind person 'Just look harder'"