Joke of the Day

"Sex is a misdemeanor.. De more I miss, de meanor I get."

Next Joke
"A couple were having sex for the first time The girl starts to complain. Girl: Why didn't you tell me you have a small guitar? Boy:Because you didn't tell me I would be performing in a hall"
"She's so fat, she's got more chins than a Chinese phone book."
"What's the worst thing about being black and jewish? Having to sit in the back of the oven."
"Hey let's meet somewhere for drinks and text the people we'd rather be hanging out with."
"Job interview with Al-Qaeda Had a job interview with Al-Qaeda today. ""Where do you see yourself exploding in five years? "", they asked."
"How do stories from Justin Biebers early childhood begin? ""A few months ago"
"Office fun: replace your coworker's mouse with a larger mouse so he thinks his hands are shrinking then call him ""baby hands"" until he quits"
"What do Iraqi men do that gets them laid on the first date? They give their women awesome Dinar."
"Arguing politics is like trying to convince someone that their baby isn't cute."